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The 90s guy

Your Daily Dose of News, Tips, and Tech – Straight from the 90s Guy!

Oh, the tech world—so fickle lol.

So, here we are again. The big cheese of all things Android, Google, has today announced that it will release the source code for Android 15. However, before you go freaking out and jumping for joy to see if your Pixel has received any updates — chill. That is, as in hiking of the Android 15 update, but for now, not with the Pixel. I know, I know it is like being given the keys to a brand new car and being told you can’t drive until next week.


Why All The Android 15 Talk?
Alright, let’s break it down. Android 15 — everyone’s favorite topic in the smartphone world, now without cliffhangers (hopefully), except for with this write-up. The source code is essentially at the heart of what we may refer to as another word for an operating system, or behind every secret. Tossing the code in your old project repo would be like handing a recipe to some of the best chefs around (the developers). By doing so, we literally enable everyone in the universe, even more exactly say only those with tech inclination living on the earth’s side;) and they’ve got their work cut out to start cooking new apps, features, and of course, some sweet custom ROMs!

Why Can’t We Have It Now?
Now, here’s the kicker. So while the source code jousts, Pixel owners (and those waiting to be updated) are kept twiddling their thumbs. Why? Google is relatively slow to roll out updates; they like to keep things in-house for a while longer so that the update can be fine-tuned. Sort of like when your mum says dinner is ready, and then you open the kitchen door to see she’s still spooning in some parsley on top. They always say that patience is a virtue–and whoever “they” are, they have likely never had an Android update on the horizon.

So, What Should You Do?
As for Pixel users, all you can really do is sit back and keep checking those notifications — or use this milestone as an excuse to finally declutter your phone. Most of us — you can admit it, even for clean-freaks like me, we know there are about 20 apps that exist on your phone from the date (or night) you downloaded them and never touched them again. So essentially — your pre-update spring cleanup.

Oh, and if you are truly aching to have Android 15 in your hands, there is always the matter of source code. Maybe you will find out something awesome before the rest of us regular folks even get the official update.

Final Thoughts
Story Timeline Android 15 is here (but you can’t have it). Yes, it sucks to make someone wait — but like a perfect cup of coffee being brewed. That Android 14 Hell will be worth it, or maybe a little more Android 15 days!

Just remember: good things come to those who wait—and in the meantime, try not to wear out your “check for updates” button. Anyway, that is what I like to believe.

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